Town: Odíhg Tshiríhtàt

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt
Example Tauric architecture.
StateTauranian United Provinces
ProvenceÍhglopníhp Provence
Sub ProvenceFÿrvharn Hold
RegionSekhrukizij Holt
Community LeaderMayor Mlêv Fardd
Area4 km2 (1 mi2)
Average Yearly Temp24°C (75°F)
Average Elevation1042 m (3418 ft)
Average Yearly Precipitation280 cm/y (110 in/y)
Population Density276 people per km2 (1104 people per mi2)
Town AuraElven High Magic
Native nameOdíhg Tshiríhtàt
PronunciationTshiríh /tət/
Direct Translation[ship] [limb]
Translation[Not Yet Translated]

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt (Tshiríh /tət/ [ship] [limb]) is a subtropical Town located in Fÿrvharn Hold, Íhglopníhp Provence, within the Tauranian United Provinces.

The name Odíhg Tshiríhtàt is derived from the Tauric language, as Odíhg Tshiríhtàt was founded by Tresho Parry, who was culturaly Tauric.


Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a yearly average temperature of 24°C (75°F), with its average temperature during the summer being a warm 30°C (86°F) and its average temperature during the winter being a cool 19°C (66°F). Odíhg Tshiríhtàt receives an average of 280 cm/y (110 in/y) of precipitation, most of which comes in the form of rain during the summer. Odíhg Tshiríhtàt covers an area of nearly 4 km2 (1 mi2), and an average elevation of 1042 m (3418 ft) above sea level.


Odíhg Tshiríhtàt was founded durring the early 9th century, by Tresho Parry. The establishment of Odíhg Tshiríhtàt suffered from several major issues, resulting in the need to develop many solutions to basic problems. Problems such as a lack of fresh water, logistical support, poor quality tools, and the odd monster or two. Howeaver, these were overcome in time.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt was built using the conventions of Tauric durring the early 9th century. Naturaly, all settlmentss have their own look to them, and Odíhg Tshiríhtàt is no diffrent. The town's buildings feature timber framed wooden shiethed or brick construction, which gives form to a very formalized, rational, expence effishent arcatectural style based on strictly symmetrical designs which universaly feature pitched roofs, shutters, and the occasional column or pilaster for a decorative touch.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt is buildings are arranged arround a network of crampt cobblestone streets which form a diamond shaped grid, where each diamond verries in size given the proximity of the paralell streets forming each section. The ocasional smaller diamond has been used to construct a park, plaza, and other communal structures. The town rests behind a thick wall made from clay bricks. The wall has all of the proper fortifications and is well made. Unfortuantly the nature of clay brick leaves it quite vulnerable to siege equipment, though the thickness of the wall lends it simmilar resistnace to a thinner hardrock wall. The town's millitarily questionable fortifications are visibly old, but also obviously maintained semi-regularly. Its likly the local malishia or garrison are tasked with ocasional mantance of the towns defences.

A look around Odíhg Tshiríhtàt gives you an uneasy feeling. Everything is just a little too worn down, a little too dirty, or both. No one makes eye contact. Kids play quietly, but happily. Occasionally a passerby glances at you out of the corner of their eye, staring jsut long enough for it to be uncomfortable. People seem to be allowed to do as they please with little harmoney to anything. It feels less like a town, and more like a spot people just happened to place their homes.

Civic Infrastructure

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has an Office of Civil Vicary, which is responsible for providing a livelyhood for all officialy recognised religious figures within Odíhg Tshiríhtàt.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a government-funded child care program, overseen by the local Department of Nursemaids, which is responsible for providing childcare to working-class citizens according to local ordinances.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a Gravedigger's Guild, which is responsible for collecting the dead and laying them to rest according to all applicable laws and religious customs.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a Guild of Nurses, which is tasked with caring for the elderly and infirm in accordance with local ordinances, religious values, and customs.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a Highwayman's Guild, which is tasked with maintaining the roads and highways leading into town as well as keeping them safe for travelers.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a monistary of an order of Civil Monks, who provide divine-related services to the general public and maintain Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's public wards, blessings, and other arcane systems.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt possesses an older civil lighting system consisting of street lamps. These lights provide nighttime illumination to most city streets.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a Parks and Recreation Department, which is responsible for the construction, management, and usage rights for all of its parks and parklands.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt has a public schooling program overseen by the Hall of Sages who has the responsibility of ensuring access to affordable high-quality education in all basic classes (Reading, Writing, Mathmatics, General Sciences, General Arcana, and Social Education) is made available to all citizens.

Cultural Notes

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's town hall was built using a different architectural style from the rest of the town. The style used is known for its buildings being predominantly formed through the combination of basic geometric shapes. However, it shown in the detailing given to the structures such as its characteristic tall columns, intricate detail, symmetry, harmony, and balance in their designs to an astonishing degree of precision. Decorative elements for the buildings tended to be built into the structure itself, making great use of fluting, frescoes, inlays, and embossing.

Due to the actions of local Kami, spring is skipped in Odíhg Tshiríhtàt.

The Tuatara, Giant near Odíhg Tshiríhtàt are known to be a mutant strain of the creature.

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's citizens partake in a curious ritual relating to their local kami. It takes place in autumn and involves sacrificing an animal to channel Illusion energies of tier 3 via proclamations.


The following information was obtained via the Imperial Census Bureau as part of the Eyom Economic Outreach Program. It differs from Standard Imperial censuses in that many of Tom's citizens, regardless of culture, work in more than one occupation or hold more than a single job. The Imperial Census Bureau has ruled that a job is a job, hence, the intigers within the data presented here can count an individual more than once.


  • Dairy Farmers: 2
  • Farmers: 3
  • Farm Laborer: 8
  • Hunters: 3
  • Milk Maids: 2
  • Ranchers: 1
  • Ranch Hands: 2
  • Shepherds: 2
    • Farmland: 4482 m2
    • Cattle and Similar Creatures: 276
    • Poultry: 3312
    • Swine: 220
    • Sheep: 11
    • Goats: 2
    • Horses, Mounts, and Beasts of Burden: 110


  • Arms and Toolmakers: 2
  • Blacksmiths: 2
  • Bookbinders: 1
  • Buckle-makers: 1
  • Cabinetmakers: 2
  • Candlemakers: 3
  • Carpenters: 3
  • Clothmakers: 3
  • Coach and Harness Makers: 1
  • Coopers: 2
  • Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, and Lead Workers: 1
  • Copyists: 1
  • Fabricworkers: 2
  • Farrier: 10
  • Glassworkers: 4
  • Gunsmiths: 2
  • Harness-Makers: 1
  • Hatters: 2
  • Jewelers: 1
  • Leatherwrights: 2
  • Locksmiths: 1
  • Matchstick makers: 1
  • Musical Instrument Makers: 1
  • Painters, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Paper Workers: 1
  • Plasterers: 1
  • Pursemakers: 1
  • Roofers: 1
  • Ropemakers: 1
  • Rugmakers: 1
  • Saddlers: 2
  • Scabbardmakers: 2
  • Scalemakers: 1
  • Sculptors, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Shoemakers: 1
  • Soap and Tallow Workers: 3
  • Tailors: 7
  • Tanners: 1
  • Upholsterers: 1
  • Watchmakers: 1
  • Weavers: 3


  • Beer-Sellers: 1
  • Booksellers: 1
  • Butchers: 2
  • Chandlers: 3
  • Chicken Butchers: 3
  • Entrepreneurs: 1
  • Fine Clothiers: 2
  • Fishmongers: 2
  • Potion Sellers: 1
  • Resellers: 4
  • Spice Merchants: 1
  • Wine-sellers: 2
  • Wheelwright: 1
  • Woodsellers: 1

Service workers

  • Bakers: 5
  • Barbers: 4
  • Coachmen: 1
  • Cooks: 4
  • Doctors: 2
  • Gamekeepers: 1
  • Hairdressers: 3
  • Healers: 3
  • Housekeepers: 3
  • Housemaids: 5
  • House Stewards: 3
  • Inns: 1
  • Laundry maids: 2
  • Maidservants: 4
  • Nursery Maids: 2
  • Pastrycooks: 4
  • Restaurateur: 3
  • Tavern Keepers: 5

Specialized Laborer

  • Ashworkers: 1
  • Bleachers: 1
  • Coal Heavers: 2
  • In-Town Couriers: 2
  • Long Haul Couriers: 2
  • Dockyard Workers: 2
  • Leech Collectors: 2
  • Millers: 2
  • Miners: 2
  • Oilmen and Polishers: 1
  • Postmen: 2
  • Pure Finder: 1
  • Skinners: 3
  • Tosher: 1
  • Warehousemen: 4
  • Watercarriers: 2
  • Watermen, Bargemen, etc.: 3

Skilled Laborers

  • Accountants: 1
  • Alchemist: 1
  • Clerk: 2
  • Dentists: 1
  • Educators: 3
  • Engineers: 1
  • Gardeners: 1
  • Plumbers: 1
  • Pharmacist: 1

Civil Servants

  • Adventurers: 1
  • Bankers: 1
  • Civil Clerks: 2
  • Civic Iudex: 1
  • Exorcist: 2
  • Fixers: 1
  • Kami Clerk: 2
  • Landlords: 2
  • Lawyers: 1
  • Legend Keepers: 1
  • Militia Officers: 8
  • Monks, Monastic: 3
  • Monks, Civic: 3
  • Historian, Oral: 2
  • Historian, Textual: 1
  • Policemen, Sheriffs, etc.: 2
  • Priests: 5
  • Rangers: 1
  • Rat Catchers: 1
  • Scholars: 1
  • Spiritualist: 2
  • Storytellers: 4
  • Military Officers: 3

Cottage Industries

  • Brewers: 3
  • Comfort Services: 4
  • Enchanters: 1
  • Herbalists: 1
  • Jaminators: 3
  • Needleworkers: 3
  • Potters: 1
  • Preserve Makers: 3
  • Quilters: 1
  • Seamsters: 5
  • Spinners: 2
  • Tinker: 1
  • Weaver: 3


  • Actors: 1
  • Bards: 1
  • Dancers: 1
  • Glaziers: 1
  • Inlayers: 1
  • Musicians: 2
  • Playwrights: 1
  • Wood Carvers: 3
  • Writers: 4

Produce Industries

  • Butter Churners: 3
  • Canners: 3
  • Cheesmakers: 3
  • Millers: 2
  • Picklers: 1
  • Smokers: 1
  • Stockmakers: 1
  • Tobacconists: 1
  • Tallowmakers: 2

338 of Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's population work within a Foundational Occupation.

711 of Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's population do not work in a formal occupation, but do contribute to the local economy. 55 (5%) are noncontributers.

Points of Interest

Odíhg Tshiríhtàt is uncommonly rich, not only for the gentry but for the common citizens as well. They may produce a valuable good, oversee precious resource extraction, have special economic favors from the ruler, or simply have inherited a vast body of infrastructure. Their neighbors likely view them with envy, and outside raiders and exploiters find them an ideal target.

Due to a magical anomaly, Odíhg Tshiríhtàt is directly accessible from a nearby river, despite the lack of a physical connection between the town's pond and the river.



In time immemorial, reportedly some time during the early 2nd century, Odíhg Tshiríhtàt was attacked by soldiers from another nation, with orders to raid Odíhg Tshiríhtàt. The details of the conflict are hazy at best due to many conflicting accounts. What is known is Odíhg Tshiríhtàt lost 262 people, 278 livestock, and 26 buildings. The conflict ended after roughly 39, when members of Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's militia enacted an operation to deliver supplies to a specific port. The operation was complicated by a key segment of the operation that deepened entirely on a stealth mission going perfectly. The conflict ended with pitched battle between both forces, which ended in victory for Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's forces. The war is remembered in legend by Odíhg Tshiríhtàt's bards, historians, and legend keepers.
